About Us.​


The CAS concept was envisioned by founder Mr. AMIT MALIK, in year 2005 and started the company with caption “CALL ME NOW” which being ahead of time, didn’t progress and diversified into Distribution company named CMN DISTRIBUTORS – currently dealing in South Asia, with headquarters in Singapore and offices in Singapore, India, & Sri Lanka.

Having studied specialization in Refrigeration & Airconditioning from YMCA Institute of Engineering which has produced the best talents leading the HVAC Industry currently across Brands, he ventured to start his own journey in 1998 as MALBROS CONSULTANCY, followed by CIRCULAR AIRCON, CIRCULAR AIRCON SERVICES, & CMN DISTRIBUTORS

Mr. Malik has experience in HVAC&R service of over 30 years. With starting as Trainee with CARRIER India in 1989, undergone training with Carrier Singapore 1991/92, Worked as Regional Service Manager with Carrier West India, 7 years, before starting his own.

As he fondly says, Service business is BACKBONE of the HVAC & R industry, and it moves like blood in each cell of his.

Years In Service
Star Ratings
Branches In City

See What Our Clients Has To Say...​

"Duis quia explicabo minim, excepteur repellendus ipsa dis ante non fringilla orci interdum semper acinia taci."
Mia Betty
"Per senectus temporibus eros eaque! Mollis similique quisque dicta aliqua accusantium inventore! Quam dui. Molestias illum, commodi risus, ornare pulvinar doloremque, aliqua. Sed torquent? Euismod magna".
Timothy Goodman
"Duis quia explicabo minim, excepteur repellendus ipsa dis ante non fringilla orci interdum semper acinia taci. Logo nestms ajja oapn jahh no use jam!"
Adam Stone

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